A formula involving the projection of the orthocenter onto a median


I found out this problem when I was trying to solve another geometry problem but I stuck to solve it. Please help me. Thanks

Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with $M$ be the midpoint of $BC$, $AK$ be the altitude from vertex $A$ and $H$ be the orthocenter. $I$ be the projection of $H$ on $AM$.

Prove that $MC^2 = MI. MA $.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The triangles $BAK$ and $HCK$ are similar because rotating $BAK$ by 90° gives a triangle which three sides are parallel to the sides of $HCK$. It follows that $\frac{BK}{AK} = \frac{HK}{CK}$, or \begin{equation}AK.KH = BK.CK \end{equation}

Now the triangles $A I H$ and $A K M$ are similar because they have two equal angles, hence $\frac{AI}{AH} = \frac{AK}{AM}$, hence \begin{align} AM.MI &= AM^2 - AM.AI\\ &= AM^2 - AK.AH\\ &= AM^2 - AK(AK-KH)\\ &= MK^2 + BK.CK\\ &=MK^2 + (MC-MK)(MC+MK)\\ &= MC^2 \end{align}