A finite convex function in $(a,b)$ is continuous. Moreover, $\phi’$ exists except at most in a countable set and is monotone increasing


If $\phi$ is finite and convex in $(a, b)$, then $\phi$ is continuous in $(a, b)$. Moreover, $\phi'$ exists except at most in a countable set and is monotone increasing.

Theorem 2.8 Every function of bounded variation has at most a countable number of discontinuities, and they are all of the first kind (jump or removable discontinuities).

  • How does $(7.41)$ show in particular that $\phi$ is continuous in $(a,b)$? Don't we need to show $D^-\phi(x) = D^+\phi(x)$ as $h\to 0+$? The book shows $D^-\phi(x) = D^+\phi(x)$ at the end of the proof.

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Best Answer

The existence of the limit $D^+\phi(x)$ tells us in particular that $\phi(x+h)\to\phi(x)$ as $h\to 0+$. Similarly, the existence of $D^-\phi(x)$ implies $\phi(x-h)\to\phi(x)$ as $h\to 0+$. These together yield that $\phi$ is continuous at $x$.

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