A fair coin is tossed until the first H occurs. Compute the probability that three tosses are required.

probabilityprobability distributionsprobability theorystatistics

(a) A fair coin is tossed until the first H occurs. Compute the
probability that three tosses are required.

(b) A fair coin is tossed until the second H occurs. Compute the
probability that five tosses are required.

(c) A coin with $P(\text{heads})=\frac{2}{3}$ is tossed until the
third T. Find the probability of five heads.

for (a) there is only possible case : TTH , Since $3$ Tosses are required, The probability is $1\times (0.5)\times (0.5)\times (0.5)$

for (b) there are $4$ possibilities then the probability will be $4\times (0.5)^5$

for (c) I have no clue what to do with the third case.

Best Answer

Hints for (c)

  • To get the probability of five Hs by the third T, you need five of the first seven tosses to be Hs and two to be Ts, while the eighth toss must be T.

  • The distribution of the first seven tosses is binomial

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