A doubt about Theorem 22 in textbook Algebra by Saunders MacLane and Garrett Birkhoff


I'm reading Theorem 22 in textbook Algebra by Saunders MacLane and Garrett Birkhoff.

enter image description here

It follows that $\phi_*S = \phi[S] := \{\phi(x) \mid x \in S\}$ and $\phi^*T = \phi^{-1}[T] := \{x \in G \mid \phi(x) \in T\}$.

and its proof

enter image description here
enter image description here

Here is Proposition 10:

enter image description here

Due to the properties of the set-valued functions $\phi[\cdot], \phi^{-1}[\cdot]$ induced from $\phi (\cdot)$, we always have $\phi_{*}\left(S_{1} \cap S_{2}\right) \subseteq \phi_{*} S_{1} \cap \phi_{*} S_{2}$. One sufficient condition for the equality to hold is that $\phi$ is injective.

Could you please elaborate on how Proposition 10 lead to the equality?

Best Answer

Clearly, $\phi [S_{1} \cap S_{2}] \subseteq \phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}]$. Below is my use of kernel to obtain $\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}] \subseteq \phi [S_{1} \cap S_{2}]$:

For $y \in \phi[S_1] \cap \phi[S_2]$, $y=\phi(x_1)=\phi(x_2)$ for some $x_1 \in S_1, x_2 \in S_2$. Then $\phi(x_1 x_2^{-1}) = \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2)^{-1} =1$. Hence $x_1 x_2^{-1} \in \operatorname{ker} \phi \subseteq S_1 \cap S_2$ and thus $x_1 x_2^{-1} \in S_1$. Because $S_1$ is a subgroup, $x_2 \in S_1$. Hence $x_2 \in S_1 \cap S_2$. The result then follows.

Here is a lemma suggested by @user1729.

Lemma: If $\phi:G \to H$ is morphism of groups and $S$ is a subgroup of $G$, then $\phi^{-1}[\phi[S]] = S \operatorname{ker} \phi = S$.

Proof: Notice that $\phi^{-1}[\phi[S]] = \{x \in G \mid \exists y\in S: \phi(x) = \phi (y)\} \overset{(\star)}{=} \{x \in G \mid \exists y\in S: xy^{-1} \in \operatorname{ker} \phi\}$. It follows that $\phi^{-1}[\phi[S]] = S \operatorname{ker} \phi$. Notice that $S \subseteq\phi^{-1}[\phi[S]]$. With similar reasoning in my above approach, we get $(x,y) \in S \times G$ and $\phi(x) = \phi(y)$ implies $y \in S$. Hence $\phi^{-1}[\phi[S]] = S$.

$(\star)$: This is because $\phi$ is a morphism of groups.

Then we use this lemma to obtain the latter inclusion as follows:

We have $\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}] \subseteq \phi [S_{1}]$ and thus $\phi^{-1}[\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}]] \subseteq \phi^{-1}[\phi [S_{1}]] \color{red}{=} S_1$. Similarly, $\phi^{-1}[\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}]] \subseteq S_2$. Hence $\phi^{-1}[\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}]] \subseteq S_1 \cap S_2$ and thus $\phi [S_{1}] \cap \phi [S_{2}] \subseteq \phi[S_1 \cap S_2]$.