A double binomial sum: looking for a combinatorial proof of an identity.


While solving a problem I came across the following identity
\sum_{k=0}^{\left\lfloor\frac m2\right\rfloor}
\binom nk\binom{n-k}{m-2k}2^{m-2k}

somewhat resembling the Vandermonde's one.

The form of the identity suggests existence of a combinatorial proof. Any related hints and suggestions are appreciated.

Best Answer

Consider binary words of length $2n$ that contain $m$ $0$'s. Index the entries with $1_a,2_a, \cdots , n_a, 1_b,2_b, \cdots , n_b$. Let $A_{00}$ be the subset of $[n]$ whose elements $i$ have both $i_a$ and $i_b$ equal to $0$ & Let $A_{01}$ be the subset of $[n]$ whose elements $i$ have one $i_a$ and $i_b$ equal to $0$ and the other equal to $1$.

$A_{00}$ has cardinality $k=0, \cdots , \left\lfloor\frac m2\right\rfloor$ and $A_{01}$ has cardinality $m-2k$ and these can be the $a$ or $b$ entry in $2^{n-2k}$ ways. So \begin{eqnarray*} \sum_{k=0}^{\left\lfloor\frac m2\right\rfloor} \binom nk\binom{n-k}{m-2k}2^{m-2k} =\binom{2n}m. \end{eqnarray*}

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