A discrete-time system is positively stabilizable iff (A,B) is stabilizable and the eigenvalues are in the open unit disk

control theorydiscrete timedynamical systems

I'm currently busy with some research in positive controllability and positive stabilizability for discrete time systems.
In an article of M.E. Evans and D.N.P. Murthy ("Controllability of discrete-time systems with positive controls"), it is shown that the system:

$$x(k+1) = Ax(k) + bu(k), x(k) \in \mathbb{R}^n, u(k) \in \mathbb{R}_+$$

is completely controllable (so positive controllable, since $u$ is restricted to the positive numbers) iff

  1. rank[$b$ $Ab$$A^{(n-1)}b$] = n
  2. A has no eigenvalues $\lambda \geq 0$

But now I'm reading an article of P. de Leenheer and D. Nesic ("A note on stabilizing and time-optimal controllers for discrete-time linear systems with positive controls"), in which they state that the same system is positively stabilizable iff

  1. (A,b) is stabilizable
  2. $\sigma(A) \cap [1, \infty) = \emptyset$.

I want to look at why the statements about the eigenvalues are different, however I find the proof of Leenheer quite short and don't understand it.
So I thought, maybe somebody can help me? I don't need a full proof or something (if you want you can share), just a step in the right direction.

Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

Actually, they are quite similar. When you are looking for stabilizability you don't care for the eigenvalues that are already stable. You can always left them "untouched" so you don't need them to be controllable for stabilization purposes. So, you only want controllability for the unstable eigenvalues, which is compatible with the first theorem.

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