Vectors – How to Determine a Direction Vector Through the Difference of Two Vectors’ Positions


I am learning about vectorial equation, and i have a doubt about this statement:

A direction vector can be determined through the difference of two
vectors position.

The direction vector that is determined is the original direction vector or the translated direction vector?

With 'traslated direction vector', i mean to: (in the two images the red segment is the direction vector)

enter image description here

And with 'original direction vector' i mean to:

enter image description here

And, what is the proof of this statement?

Any advice to better understand this topic is welcome, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

A line is parametrized by knowing some point on it (given by the vector $\vec x_0$ from the origin) and its direction vector $\vec v$. Then the vector from the origin to an arbitrary point on the line can be written as $$\vec x = \vec x_0 + t\vec v \quad\text{for some value of the scalar } t.$$

Note that if you know two points on the line, this corresponds to such expressions for two different values of $t$, and so you recover the direction vector (or a nonzero scalar multiple of it) by subtracting the two vectors: If $\vec x_1 = \vec x_0 + t\vec v$ and $\vec x_2 = \vec x_0 + s\vec v$ (where $s$ and $t$ are different scalars), then $$\vec x_2 - \vec x_1 = (\vec x_0 + s\vec v) - (\vec x_0 + t\vec v) = (s-t)\vec v,$$ as desired.

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