A difficulty in understanding the proof of distributivity of tensor products over direct sums for modules.


Here is the proof:

enter image description here
enter image description here

But I do not understand the following:

1-why the function needed to be bilinear to use the universal property?

2- what is he doing starting from the paragraph that starts with the statement "In the other direction …." ?

Best Answer

The universal property of tensor product basically says that there is a one-to-one correspondence between $$\matrix{M\times N\to T&R\text{-bilinear}\\ \hline M\otimes N\to T& R\text{-linear}} $$ maps where $M, N, T$ are arbitrary $R$-modules.

That's why for finding $(M\oplus M')\otimes N\to (M\otimes N)\oplus (M'\otimes N)$ we actually only have to define a bilinear map $(M\oplus M')\times N\to(M\otimes N)\oplus(M'\otimes N)$.
Similarly, for the other direction, the two bilinear maps $M\times N\to(M\oplus M')\otimes N$ and $M'\times N\to (M\oplus M') \otimes N$ induce $R$-homomorphisms with domains $M\otimes N$ and $M'\otimes N$, which together induce a map from their direct sum, actually by the universal property of coproducts (and that one indeed doesn't involve bilinear maps).

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