A deck of cards has 54 cards…


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A deck of cards has 54 cards: 2,3, . . . ,10, Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces of all four suits, plustwo Jokers. Jokers are assumed to have no suits. We’ll say that a combination of 5 cards is a flush if one ofthe following three conditions hold:

  • All five cards are of the same suit, OR
  • Four cards are of the same suit and the remaining card is a Joker, OR
  • Three cards are of the same suit and the remaining 2 cards are Jokers.

Compute the probability that 5 randomly chosen cards from the deck give the flush combination.

does my solution make sense?

all combinations = $54\cdot53\cdot52\cdot51\cdot50$

5 same suit = $\dbinom{4}{1} \cdot\dbinom{13}{5}$

4 same suit 1 joker = $\dbinom{4}{1}\cdot\dbinom{13}{4}\cdot\dbinom{2}{1}$

3 same suit 2 joker = $\dbinom{4}{1}\cdot\dbinom{13}{3}$


$\dfrac{\dbinom{4}{1}\cdot\dbinom{13}{5} + \dbinom{4}{1} \cdot\dbinom{13}{4} \cdot\dbinom{2}{1}+\dbinom{4}{1}\cdot\dbinom{13}{3}}{54\cdot53\cdot52\cdot51\cdot50}$

Best Answer

You have correctly counted combinations for the three favoured cases.

Since you are counting combinations in the numerator, you should do so in the denominator too.


Another way to count the numerator: a flush is formed when we select a suit, then select five cards from the fifteen cards that are either of that suit or of the jokers.$$\dfrac{\dbinom 41\dbinom{15}5}{\dbinom{54}5}$$

See also Vandermonde's Identity.