A cryptogram Diophantine $\overline{ABCDE}=4 \ \overline{AB}^2+\overline{CDE}^2$

contest-mathcryptarithmdiophantine equationselementary-number-theorynumber theory

ABCDE is a 5-digit number. AB and CDE are 2-digit and 3-digit numbers respectively.

$\overline{ABCDE}=4 \ \overline{AB}^2+\overline{CDE}^2$

Find all possible values of $\overline{ABCDE}$.

Honestly, I designed this problem just for fun, and I tried everything to solve it. It seems that there is a neat solution around. I will be very happy if you take a look at it.

Best Answer

We convert the given equation to the following form. $$1000(AB)+(CDE)=4(AB)^2+(CDE)^2. $$

Now consider the following quadratic equation. $$(CDE)^2-(CDE)+4(AB)^2-1000(AB)=0$$

The two roots of this equation are, $$(CDE)=\dfrac{1\pm \sqrt{1-16(AB)^2+4000(AB)}}{2}.$$

Since $(AB)$ is a 2-digit number, $10\le (AB)\le 99$. For all these values of (AB), $$\sqrt{1-16(AB)^2+4000(AB)} \gt 1$$.

Therefore, we have, $$(CDE)=\dfrac{1+ \sqrt{1-16(AB)^2+4000(AB)}}{2}.$$

Now, we have to find out the values of $(AB)$, for which the expression under the square-root sign is a square. They turn out to be, $$(AB)=19\qquad\text{and}\qquad (AB)=70.$$*

The corresponding values of $(CDE)$ are, $$(CDE)=133\qquad\text{and}\qquad (CDE)=225.$$

*Here is how to get these values of $\overline{AB}$:

First complete the square in the discriminant. This gives


Thus we must have


Since $250001=500^2+1^2$ where the squares are relatively prime, the odd number must be a product of $4n+1$ primes only. Trial divisions then yield the factorization


We now consider Gaussian-integer products of the form


Each product has real and imaginary parts whose squares sum to $250001$. Wlog we may take the first factor to be specifically $7+2i$, and we find three combinations giving different squares:




The first product above gives


from which $4\overline{AB}-500$ which is a multiple of $4$ must be $\pm220$. We choose the negative possibility to force $\overline{AB}<100$, so we then find


The third product similarly gives the other nonzero value for $\overline{AB}$:


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