A corollary of Cayley’s Theorem pertaining to automorphisms


I made a rather interesting observation. For a finite group $G$, by Cayley's Theorem, there is a natural embedding (actually many possible such embeddings, but any one of the natural ones that arise in the proof of the theorem will do for the rest of this argument), of $G$ in the symmetric group $S_n$, where $|G|=n$. Consider the left multiplication map (the right map could be used instead, WLOG) for $G$, and in particular, note that this is one way of explicitly realizing $G$ as a subgroup of the $S_n$ (where we view $S_n$ as the $\text{Sym}(G)$, the group of permutations of the elements of $G$). Now consider any $\sigma \in \text{Aut}(G)$. We remark that this too can be considered as a permutation on the elements of $G$, and examine how they relate to the permutations given by the left multiplication map. The homomorphism property guarantees that it must commute with the left multiplication map, for it should not matter if first apply the automorphism and then operate within the group, or do those things in opposite order. Moreover the reverse is also true, any permutation on the elements of $G$ which commutes with the left multiplication map must also satisfy the homomorphism property and is, in particular, also a bijection on the elements of $G$ and thus an automorphism. Therefore, we can describe $\text{Aut}(G)$ in terms of centralizers in $\text{Sym}(G)$ as follows (with some slight abuse of notation):

$$\text{Aut}(G)\simeq C_{\text{Sym}(G)}(G)$$

I have not encountered this particular characterization before, and it seems like it may be useful in certain situations (and might suggest some fairly efficient ways to compute automorphism groups via permutation representations). Is this known? And if so, what are some of its ramifications?

Best Answer

It is not true that ${\rm Aut}(G) \cong C_{{\rm Sym}(G)}(G)$ - in fact $C_{{\rm Sym}(G)}(G) \cong G$ (and it is equal to $G$ iff $G$ is abelian).

We have ${\rm Aut}(G) \cong N_{{\rm Sym}(G)}(G)_{1}$ i.e. the stabilizer of the identity element in the normalizer in ${\rm Sym}(G)$ of $G$.

The full normalizer $N_{{\rm Sym}(G)}(G)$ is isomorphic to the semidirect product $G \rtimes_\phi {\rm Aut}(G)$ (with $\phi$ equal to the identity map on ${\rm Aut}(G)$), which is known as the holomorph of $G$.

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