A continuous Markov process that is not Gaussian

markov-processprobability theorystochastic-analysisstochastic-processes

Given a probability space, we say that $(X_t)_{t \geq 0}$ is Markov w.r.t its own filtration $(\mathcal F_t)$ if for all $s<t$,

$$ P(X_t \in \cdot | \mathcal F_s) = P(X_t \in \cdot | X_s).$$

Constructing continuous Markov processes that are Gaussian is easy as Markovianity is captured by the covariance function in the Gaussian case. The canonical example of a continuous Markov process that is Gaussian is Brownian motion.

Now what about the non-Gaussian case ? What is the canonical example of a continuous Markov process that is not Gaussian ? I actually cannot think about a single process that is continuous, Markov and not Gaussian. I feel like there should be a way of playing with SDEs so that the solution is Markov and not Gaussian, but I hope there is an "explicit" example.

Best Answer

Let $X_t$ be your favorite continuous Gaussian Markov process, and let $f$ be a continuous bijection of $\Bbb R$ onto $(0,1)$. Then $Y_t:=f(X_t)$ is continuous and Markov, but not Gaussian.

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