A continuous function which is not differentiable at a specified number of points.


Consider functions $f:\Bbb R →\Bbb R$ with the property that $|f(x)-f(y)|\leq 4321|x-y|$ for all real numbers $x$ and $y$. Prove that there exists atleast one such f that is continuous but is non differentiable at exactly 2018 points and satisfies $\lim_{x→∞} (f(x))/|x| =2018.$
To solve this problem, I understand that the given $f$ is Lipchitz continuous and points of non differentiability can be created by producing bumps at required points. But I don’t understand the soul of the problem and the significance of $4321$ and $2018$ mentioned in the problem. Can someone help me please with the solution to this problem and explain the significance of the numbers mentioned? Thank you.

Best Answer

Here is one way:

Pick the points $1,...,2018$. The function $f$ will have zeros at each of these points (and more).

Let $f$ pass through $(1,0)$ and have slope $-2018$ for $x \le 1$.

Let $f$ be zero on $[1,2]$.

Then with $n \in \{2,4,6,...,2014,2016 \}$ and for $x \in [n,n+2]$, let $f$ be the straight lines joining the points $(n,0),(n+1,4321),(n+2,0)$.

Let $f$ pass through $(2018,0)$ and have slope $2018$ for $x \ge 2018$.

We see that $f$ is Lipschitz with rank $4321$, and for $x \le 1$, we have $f(x) = 2018(1-x)$ and for $x \ge 2018$ we have $f(x) = 2018(x-2018)$. It is straightforward to check that $\lim_{|x| \to \infty} {f(x) \over |x|} = 2018$.