A conservative vector field on the unit sphere

manifoldsmultivariable-calculusVector Fields

Consider the unit sphere $x^2+y^2+z^2=1$ and a vector field $$(x(y^2-z^2), -y(x^2+2z^2), z(x^2+2y^2)).$$ on the sphere. Show that this vector field is conservative on the sphere and find a potential function of it.

I know how to show the vector field is conservative. One can simply show that the line integral of this vector field over any simple closed curve on the sphere is 0. However, I am not sure how to find a potential function of this vector field.

Best Answer

In general, the gradient vector field $\nabla f$ on a regular surface with parametrization $\textbf{x}(u, v)$ and first fundamental form $E=\textbf{x}_u\cdot\textbf{x}_u$, $G=\textbf{x}_v\cdot\textbf{x}_v$ and $F=\textbf{x}_u\cdot\textbf{x}_v=0$ is $$\frac{f_u}{E}\textbf{x}_u+\frac{f_v}{G}\textbf{x}_v.$$ As suggested by the other answer here, we parametrize the sphere with spherical coordinates $\textbf{x}(u, v)=(\sin u\cos v, \sin u\sin v, \cos u)$. Then $E=1$, $G=\sin^2u$ and $F=0$. Expressing the given vector field in terms of $u$ and $v$ and equating it with $\displaystyle f_u\textbf{x}_u+\frac{f_v}{\sin^2u}\textbf{x}_v$, we have $$\begin{cases} f_u&=-\cos u(\sin u+\sin u\sin^2v)\\ f_v&=-\sin^2u\sin v\cos v\end{cases}$$ We then have a desired potential function $\displaystyle f=-\frac{\sin^2u\sin^2v+\sin^2u}{2}$. In terms of $x$ and $y$, $$f=-\frac{x^2+2y^2}{2}.$$.

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