A connection between the Gelfand Naimark Theorem and the GNS construction


Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian $C^*$ algebra. By the Gelfand Naimark theorem, we know $\mathcal{A}$ is isometrically $*$ isomorphic to $\mathcal{C}_0(\Delta_{\mathcal{A}})$ where $\Delta_{\mathcal{A}}$ is the space of non zero characters on $\mathcal{A}$. We have that $\Delta_{\mathcal{A}}$ is a locally compact Hausdorff space.

Now by the GNS construction, we know every $C^*$ algebra $\mathcal{A}$ admits a faithful representation into some $\mathcal{B(H)}$ where $\mathcal{H}$ is a Hilbert space i.e. $\mathcal{A}$ is a closed subalgebra of a $\mathcal{B(H)}$.

My question is whether for abelian $C^*$ algebras, can we say something more specific regarding the embedding $\mathcal{B(H)}$ using the Gelfand Naimark Theorem?

Note: I was thinking along the lines of getting the irreducible representations of $\mathcal{A}$ which are in direct correspondence with the pure states of $\mathcal{A}$ which are exactly the characters on $\mathcal{A}$ as it is abelian.


Best Answer

The characters of $C_0(X)$ are the maps $\{ ev_x\mid x\in X\}$ where $ev_x: C_0(X)\to\Bbb C$ is given by $f\mapsto f(x)$. As such the associated semi-definite inner-product $(,)_{ev_x}$ is given by: $$(f,g)_{ev_x}:= ev_x(f^* g) =\overline{f(x)}\cdot g(x)$$ And clearly $C_0(X) /N_{ev_x}\cong\Bbb C$ where $N_{ev_x}$ is the null space of $(,)_{ev_x}$. The isomorphism $C_0(X)/N_{ev_x}\to \Bbb C$ is given by $[g]\mapsto g(x)$ as you can check explicitly. Now the action of $C_0(X)$ on this Hilbert space is given by:

$$f\cdot [g] = [f\cdot g]$$ which, under the above isomorphism $C_0(X)/N_{ev_x}\cong \Bbb C$, corresponds to: $$f\cdot z = f(x)\cdot z$$

Now if you put all this together what you get is that the GNS space is: $$H= \bigoplus_{x\in X} \Bbb C = \ell^2(X)$$ and the representation is defined by: $$(\pi(f) v)_{x} = (f(x)\cdot v_x)$$ For some $v = (v_x)_{x\in X}\in \ell^2(X)$.