A compact set $K\subseteq X$ is contained in the polar of a neighborhood of $0\in X^\prime$


Let $(X,X^\prime)$ be a dual pair, where $X$ is a topological vector space (over the real field) endowed with the weak topology, and the topological dual $X^\prime$ is endowed with the weak$^\star$-topology.

Fix also a (weakly-)compact set $K\subseteq X$.

Question. Is it true that there exists a (weak$^\star$-)open neighborhood $V$ of $0 \in X^\prime$ such that $K$ is contained in the absolute polar of $V$, namely,
K\subseteq V^\circ:=\{x \in X: |\langle x,x^\prime\rangle|\le 1 \text{ for all }x^\prime \in V\}\,\,\,\,?

Attempt. I thought to use something like $V:=K^\circ$ (which, however, is nonempty, convex, circled, weak$^\star$-closed, and contains $0 \in X^\prime$) and, then, to use the Bipolar theorem which tells us that $K^{\circ\circ}$ (namely, $V^\circ$) is the circled weakly convex hull of $K$.

Best Answer

Such an open neighborhood $V$ can only be found if $K$ is contained in some finite dimensional subspace of $X$.

To see why, suppose that $V$ exists. By definition of the weak* topology, there are vectors $x_1,x_2,\ldots , x_n\in X$, and $\varepsilon >0$, such that $$ U:= \{x'\in X': |\langle x_i, x'\rangle |<\varepsilon \}\subseteq V. $$

Defining $y_i=\displaystyle\frac{2x_i}{\varepsilon }$, notice that, for all $x'$ in $X'$, one has that $$ |\langle y_i, x'\rangle |\leq 1 \Rightarrow |\langle x_i, x'\rangle |\leq \frac\varepsilon 2 < \varepsilon . $$ This implies that $$ \{y_1,y_2,\ldots , y_n\}^\circ \subseteq U\subseteq V, $$ whence $$ K\subseteq V^\circ \subseteq \{y_1,y_2,\ldots , y_n\}^{\circ \circ }. $$ Since the latter is the the circled, weakly closed convex hull of $\{y_1,y_2,\ldots , y_n\}$, which in turn is contained in $\text{span}\{y_1,y_2,\ldots , y_n\}$, we are done.

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