A combinatoric identity involving Eulerian and Stirling numbers


n \\
\end{array}\right\rangle x^{n-k}

Eulerian Polynomials
and $$
n \\
are Eulerian numbers.

I want to ask whats the proof of this interesting equation?
n \\
\end{array}\right\rangle x^{n-k}=(1-x)^{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n}\left\{\begin{array}{l}
n \\
\end{array}\right\} k !\left(\frac{x}{1-x}\right)^{k}

I have a reference https://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~tauraso/AMM/AMM11007.pdf

In this paper(American Mathematical Monthly Problem) there are a similar approach. It solves 2 seperate equation with induction.You can look at it.

When i solved this equation in same way ,i couldnt reach a recurence relation about eulerian and stirling numbers. Maybe i go wrong in somewhere.
So can you help me ?

Best Answer

Here is another proof for the curious. We seek to verify that (with $n\ge 1$, $n=0$ holds by inspection)

$$\sum_{k=0}^n \left\langle n \atop k \right\rangle x^{n-k} = (1-x)^n \sum_{k=0}^n {n\brace k} k! \left(\frac{x}{1-x}\right)^k.$$

We get using standard EGFs for the RHS

$$n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \sum_{k=0}^n \frac{(\exp(z)-1)^k}{k!} k! \left(\frac{x}{1-x}\right)^k \\ = n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \sum_{k=0}^n (\exp(z)-1)^k \left(\frac{x}{1-x}\right)^k.$$

Now because $\exp(z)-1 = z+\cdots$ we have $(\exp(z)-1)^k = z^k + \cdots$ so when $k\gt n$ there is no contribution to the coefficient extractor and we get

$$n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \sum_{k\ge 0} (\exp(z)-1)^k \left(\frac{x}{1-x}\right)^k \\ = n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \frac{1}{1-(\exp(z)-1)x/(1-x)} \\ = n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \frac{1-x}{1-x-(\exp(z)-1)x} \\ = n! [z^n] (1-x)^n \frac{1-x}{1-x \exp(z)} \\ = n! [z^n] \frac{1-x}{1-x\exp(z(1-x))}.$$

On the other hand we have for the LHS by the mixed GF of the Eulerian numbers

$$n! [z^n] \sum_{k=0}^n x^{n-k} [w^k] \frac{w-1}{w-\exp((w-1)z)}$$

Now we have $\left\langle n \atop k \right\rangle = 0$ when $k\ge n$ so this is

$$n! [z^n] x^n \sum_{k\ge 0} x^{-k} [w^k] \frac{w-1}{w-\exp((w-1)z)} \\ = n! [z^n] x^n \frac{1/x-1}{1/x-\exp((1/x-1)z)} \\ = n! [z^n] x^n \frac{1-x}{1-x\exp((1/x-1)z)} \\ = n! [z^n] \frac{1-x}{1-x\exp((1/x-1)zx)} \\ = n! [z^n] \frac{1-x}{1-x\exp((1-x)z)}.$$

The LHS is the same as the RHS and we have the claim.

Addendum. We have

$$n! [z^n] [w^k] \frac{w-1}{w-\exp((w-1)z)} \\ = n! [z^n] [w^{k+1}] \frac{w-1}{1-\exp((w-1)z)/w} \\ = n! [z^n] [w^{k+1}] (w-1) \sum_{q\ge 0} \frac{1}{w^q} \exp(q(w-1)z) \\ = [w^{k+1}] \sum_{q\ge 0} \frac{1}{w^q} q^n (w-1)^{n+1} = \sum_{q\ge 0} [w^{k+1+q}] q^n (w-1)^{n+1} \\ = (-1)^{n-k} \sum_{q=1}^{n-k} (-1)^q q^n {n+1\choose k+1+q}.$$

This justifies that $\left\langle n \atop k \right\rangle = 0$ when $k\ge n$ and hence the two coefficient extractors combined return zero in that case as claimed.