A circle has 2 meanings


We usually write:

We draw a circle of radius R

But the circle has 2 meanings:

  1. circumference of a circle


  1. A round plane figure whose boundary consists of points equidistant from the center (OXFORD dictionary)

We can write with a one meaning, by not accepted way:

We draw the circumference of a circle with a radius R.

Do we have an accepted way to write the above sentence?

Best Answer

In standard mathematical terminology, circle refers to the curve, while disk means the inner (open or closed) region of which the circle is the boundary. A circle can be called a circumference, but this term is often used to mean the length. Thus we might write “Let the circle $C$ be the boundary of an open disk $D$ of radius $r$ and circumference $2\pi r$ ”.

In three dimensions, a sphere is a (two-dimensional) surface which is the boundary of a (three-dimensional) ball.