A characterization of Dedekind domains


Let $A$ be an integral domain, and that nonzero ideals of $A$ under ideal multiplication is a free commutative monoid, then $A$ is a Dedekind domain.

By Dedekind domain we mean a Noetherian normal domain of dimension $1$, or equivalently a domain whose fractional ideals form a group, or equivalently every nonzero ideal is a product of prime ideals.

This appears in Larsen, Max D., and Paul J. McCarthy. Multiplicative theory of ideals. Academic press, 1971., Exercise VI.14, and also somewhere on Zariski-Samuel as exercise.

There are several attempting ways to do this. Firstly it is likely that being a free commutative monoid will imply $I \supset J \Rightarrow I \mid J$, but recall even we know a priori the basis consisting of prime ideals, this is not so direct.

Secondly I know (from various properties of Prüfer domains) that a Noetherian domain satisfying the condition is a Dedekind domain, so one may proceed by showing every (prime) ideal is invertible, or merely finitely generated. Still I can't make it through.

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