A and B complex self-adjoint, A positive semi-definite, then all eigenvalues of AB are real

linear algebra

Let $A$, $B$ $\in$ $M_n\mathbb{(C)}$ be self-adjoint, and assume that $A$ is positive semidefinite; prove that all eigenvalues of $AB$ are real.

I've seen similar questions ($T,U$ self-adjoint, $U$ positive definite, then $TU$ has only real eigenvalues) but it seems that their proofs required the eigenvalues of $A$ to be strictly positive, and I don't konw how to deal with this issue here.

Best Answer

First note that eigenvalues are invariant under cyclic permutations, i.e, $\sigma(AB) = \sigma(BA)$ where $\sigma(X)$ denotes the set of eigenvalues of $X$. Then all we need to do is note $$ \sigma(AB) = \sigma(A^{1/2}A^{1/2} B) = \sigma(A^{1/2} B A^{1/2}) $$ but $\sigma(A^{1/2} B A^{1/2}) \in \mathbb{R}$ as $A^{1/2} B A^{1/2}$ is self-adjoint.