7 balls are distributed randomly in 7 cells. If 2 cells are empty, show that the conditional probability of a triple occupancy equals 1/4

combinatoricsconditional probabilityprobability

This problem comes from Feller's Introduction to probability. and it goes like:

"Seven balls are distributed randomly in seven cells. Given that two cells are empty, show that the (conditional) probability of a triple occupancy of some cells equals 1/4"

So far i have found out that all of the distributions that form a triple are given by: ${7 \choose 3}(4!) = \frac{7!}{3!}$.

Yet, i am not sure of how to go on, because there are $7^7$ total distributions, but clearly if you divide these two quantities the result is not even close to $1/4$.

I have also tried to go on by considering that the only occupancy numbers in the distribution can be $0,1,3$ so the total number of distributions that coincide with the ocuppancy numbers $3,1,1,1,1,0,0$ in some order are given by: $\frac{7!}{3!}\frac{7!}{3!4!}$. But if you divide this by $7^7$ the result is still no close to $1/4$.

And also when you consider the fact of conditional probability the results only get worse. So what can i do?

Best Answer

To me, it looks like throwing a $7$ sided die $7$ times, with the the desired conditional probability being

n(1 cell has triple occupancy with 2 cells unoccupied) $\div$ n(2 cells unoccupied)

Using the multinomial coefficient, we get

= $\dfrac{\dbinom{7}{3,1,1,1,1,0,0}\dbinom{7}{1,4,2}}{\dbinom{7}{3,1,1,1,1,0,0}\dbinom{7}{1,4,2} + \dbinom{7}{2,2,1,1,1,0,0}\dbinom{7}{2,3,2}} = 1/4$

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