5th order polynomials that are solvable


I know a 5th order polynomial can't be solved in general using a finite combination of +, -, *, /, and roots. I can think of three types of 5th order polynomials with closed form roots. They are:

  • (linear polynomial)*(quartic polynomial)
  • (quadratic polynomial)*(cubic polynomial)
  • $a*x^5+b$

Are there any other cases that are solvable? If there are I would like to get some understanding of them, but I am not familiar with Galois theory.

Best Answer

The algebraic functions considered in [Ritt 1922] give i.a. the solvable quintics.


For the beginning, we get i. a. the following quintics from Ritt's paper.


$$16a(bz+c)^5-20a(bz+c)^3+5abz+5a+d=0$$ $\ $

[Ritt 1922] Ritt, J. F.: On algebraic functions which can be expressed in terms of radicals. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1922) (1) 21-30

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