3D Rotation – 3D Rotation About z-axis

3dcoordinate systemsprojective-geometryrotationstransformation

I am struggling to understand the 3D rotation.
enter image description here
I have one picture from internet which is drawn by me.
The initial object position is $A(x_1, y_1, z_1).$ We need rotate it into $A'(x_2,y_2,z_2)$ about $z$-axis by angle $\angle A'PA=\theta.$
And we take $P$ be the any point in $z$-axis. It makes $\angle APS=\phi.$

Now we find $cos \phi= \frac{PS}{AP}=\frac{x_1}{r}\Rightarrow x_1=rcos \phi.$ But we know $OQ =x_1$ but here slides take $PS =x_1$ and they forcefully match the answer which is wrong.

My question is $PS =x_1$ or $OQ =x_1?$

Best Answer


Given the point $A$ you shall imagine to draw a parallelepiped with a vertex on it, the opposite vertex in $O$ and with the faces parallel to the coordinate planes, as sketched.

Then a rotation around the axis $z$ will move any point in the space keeping fixed the plane orthogonal to z in which they lay , i.e. the $z$ coordinate, along a circle lying in that plane and centered on the $z$ axis, for an angle measured in that plane.

So $A=(x_1, y_1,z_1)$ will move to $A'=(x_2, y_2,z_1)$ (note z_1 is unchanged) , along a circle centered at $P$, with radius $r=\sqrt{{x_1}^2+{y_1}^2}$, and angle $\theta$ measured in that plane $z=z_1$.
$S$ will move in that same plane, with the same angle, but on a circle of radius $x_1$.
$Q$ will do the same, on a circle with the same radius, but on the plane $z=0$ along a circle centered at $O$, with an angle $\theta$ in that plane.

That is to say that the whole parallelepiped $OPSQA$ will rotate keeping fixed the edge $OP$ and thus rotate to $OPS'Q'A'$, with $$S'=(x_1 \cos \theta, x_1 \sin \theta, z_1), \; Q'=(x_1 \cos \theta, x_1 \sin \theta, 0)$$ while the expression for $A'$ is a little more complicated.