$30\%$ students have glasses. $20\%$ of students with glasses play. $60\%$ of students without glasses play. Probability, student without glass plays.

bayes-theoremconditional probabilityintersection-theoryprobabilityword problem

Problem: In a school, $30\%$ of students have glasses. $20\%$ of students with glasses play sports. $60\%$ of students without glasses play sports. If we randomly choose a student, find probability that a student without glasses (chosen randomly) plays a sport.

My Approach

  • $P(O)=0.3$ is the probability that a student has glasses.
  • $P(S|O) = 0.2$ is the probability that a student with glasses plays sport (P of S given O).
  • $P(S|O^c)=0.6$, where $O^c$ is {Sample Space – $O$}. The probability that a student without glasses plays sport $(P(S\text{ given }O^c)$.

I have to find $P(O^c|S)$ (the opposite of $P(S|O^c)$, meaning "a student plays sport without glasses").

I know that $80\%$ of students play a sport, and that $70\%$ of students don't have glasses. So in order to solve the problem I have to do $$P(O^c|S) = \frac{0.8 \times 0.7}{0.8} = 0.7 $$ but given correct solution is $0.87$ $(0.7\neq0.87)$.

EDIT: I think the problem is in this assumption: I've assumed that $0.8$ and $0.7$ were two independent probabilities, therefore I've multiplied $0.8$ with $0.7$. If this is not correct, then I don't know how to find probability of intersection.

Best Answer

in a school, 30% of students have glasses. 20% of students with glasses play sports. 60% of students without glasses play sports. if we choose randomly a student, find probability that a student without glasses (chosen randomly) plays a sport.

I disagree with the OP's (i.e. original poster's) interpretation of the problem. This implies that I also disagree with the analysis in the answer of SacAndSac. It also implies that I disagree with the answer that was given as correct, namely $0.875$.

The reason that I disagree is because of how the problem is worded. The statement:

...find probability that a student without glasses (chosen randomly) plays a sport.

is interpreted by me to indicate that you are to confine your focus to only those students that are without glasses, and to then determine what fraction of them play a sport.

Certainly, there are problems with my interpretation:

  • For one thing, my interpretation implies that the problem is trivial, because you are already given that

60% of students without glasses play sports.

This implies that the information that I claim is being asked for has already been directly handed to you.

  • For another thing, if you reverse engineer on the answer of $0.875$, it seems clear that the intent is to assume that your focus is confined to those people who play sports, and to determine what fraction of them don't wear glasses.

The real difficulty here is that although sometimes the OP will misinterpret a problem, I don't think that is the case here. The impression that I got is that the OP faithfully quoted the problem composer's wording.

So what you have is a problem whose wording makes the problem a cross between trivial and nonsensical. So the MathSE reviewers and the OP are reversing the interpretation into a sensible problem.

That is all fine, except that that isn't the problem that the problem composer worded, assuming that the OP faithfully presented the problem's wording.

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