$3$-by-$3$ Real Matrices with Repeated Eigenvalues

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

The questions I have are as follows.

  1. Prove that for $3 \times 3$ matrices with repeated eigenvalues, all eigenvalues are real.

  2. Prove that if two eigenvalues of $3 \times 3$ are complex conjugate, then in some real basis, it takes the form $\begin{bmatrix}
    a & b & 0 \\
    -b & a & 0 \\
    0 & 0 & \lambda

I have already proven that if the 3×3 matrix has distinct eigenvalues, then there are either 3 real eigenvalues or 1 real eigenvalue and 2 complex conjugate eigenvalues. How can I use this fact to prove 1? Can I just make an eigenvalue equal to $a+bi$ with $b=0$ and prove it?

As for second question, I have no clue how to do this. Any help as to how should I approach this?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I guess you are under the assumption that your matrices have real coefficients. Therefore if $z$ is a root of the characteristic polynomial, then also $\bar{z}$ is a root.

If $z\in\mathbb{C}$ and $z\notin\mathbb{R}$, then $z\ne\bar{z}$. If the double root is complex not real, you would have three complex non real roots: this is a contradiction, because a degree $3$ polynomial (with real coefficients) has at least a real root.

In a different wording: if the roots are $\lambda$ and $a\pm bi$, with $b\ne0$, then these roots are distinct.

Assume now that the eigenvalues are $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\pm bi\in\mathbb{C}$, with $b\ne0$. If $f\colon\mathbb{R}^3\to\mathbb{R}^3$ is defined by $f(v)=Av$ (where $A$ is the given matrix), then you want to find a basis such that \begin{align} f(v_1)&=av_1-bv_2\\ f(v_2)&=bv_1+av_2\\ f(v_3)&=\lambda v_3 \end{align} The choice of $v_3$ is obvious: it must be an eigenvector relative to $\lambda$.

Take an eigenvector $w$ relative to $a+bi$ and split it as $w=v_1+iv_2$, where $v_1,v_2\in\mathbb{R}^3$. Then $Aw=(a+bi)w$ translates into $$ Av_1+iAv_2=(av_1-bv_2)+i(bv_1+av_2) $$ Can you finish?