2nd order non-homogenous ODE with delta function & B.C.S

dirac deltaordinary differential equations

I'm relatively new to the concept of the Dirac Delta function have come across a problem in dealing with ODE with delta

Solve the ODE:

$$A''(y) – λ^2 A(y) = δ(y – ξ)$$

Subject to B.C (Hint: Use Hyperbolic functions)
$$A(0) = A(b) = 0,$$

For the solution I have assumed $δ(ξ)$ is undefined, So
$$A(y) =
Asinh(λy)+BCosh(λy), & y<ξ &(1) \\
Csinh(λy)+DCosh(λy), & y>ξ&(2)

Using $A(0)=0, \ A(y)=Asinh(λy)$

Using $A(b)=0, \ A(y)=Csinh(λ(b – y))$

Such that;
$$A(y) =
Asinh(λy), & y<ξ &(1) \\
Csinh(λ(b – y), & y>ξ&(2)

What can I do to further simplify my solution, Can I get the constants A , C?

Best Answer

I'm going to assume that $0 < \xi < b$. Let $\epsilon>0$, then take your differential equation and integrate it like so:

$$\int_{\xi-\epsilon}^{\xi+\epsilon} A''(y) - \lambda^2 A(y) dy = \int_{\xi-\epsilon}^{\xi+\epsilon} \delta(y-\xi)dy$$

$$\implies A'\left(\xi+\epsilon\right) - A'\left(\xi-\epsilon\right) -\lambda^2\int_{\xi-\epsilon}^{\xi+\epsilon} A(y)dy = 1$$

Now take the limit as $\epsilon\to 0^+$. By assumption, we want $A(y)$ to be continuous, so the integral term goes to $0$. What we are left with is the following:

$$A'\left(\xi^+\right)-A'\left(\xi^-\right) = 1$$

This is your new condition to solve for the remaining coefficients. The first derivative is not continuous at $y=\xi$, but it has a jump discontinuity that is exactly $1$ in size.