1D wave equation: d’Alembert solution and periodicity

partial differential equationswave equation

I am considering the usual homogeneous 1D wave equation $u_{tt}-u_{xx}=0$ ($c=1$ for the sake of simplicity) on $(x,t)\in\mathbb{R}^2$ together with the condition $u(0,t)=0$. From d'Alembert solution, it is easy to show that $u(x,t)=f(t+x)-f(t-x)$ where $f$ is any function. The question is on the periodicity of $u(x,t)$ in $t$. It is easy to show that if $f$ is a periodic function of period $T>0$ so is $u(x,t)$ in $t$. However, the converse is not clear. Consider that $u(x,t)$ is periodic in time of period $T>0$, then $u(x,t+T)=u(x,t)$ implies $f(t+T+x)-f(t+T-x)=f(t+x)-f(t-x)$ which does not say anything about the periodicity of $f$… Hints?

Best Answer

Taking $x=t$: $$f(T+2t) - f(T) = f(2t) - f(0)$$ So $\forall u,$ $f(T+u) = f(u) + k$ with $k$ some constant. So, $f'$ is $T$-periodic.

Also, note that $f$ is not uniquely defined, it can vary by an additive constant. You can define this constant such that $\int_0^T f'(u)du=0$, then the corresponding $f$ will be periodic, too.

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