$14$ points in a regular hexagon of side $2$


Can we place $14$ points in a regular hexagon of side $2$ such that the minimal distance between points is $>1$?


We can place $13$ points in a regular hexagon of side $2$ so that the minimal distance between $2$ points is $\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}$. For this, divide the hexagon into $6$ equilateral triangles and consider the points: $6$ — vertices of the hexagon, $6$ the center of the triangles, and $1$ the center of the hexagon, $13$ in total.

We can place $19$ points in the hexagon such that the minimal distance between them is $1$. For this, divide the hexagon into equilateral triangles of side $1$ and consider all the possible vertices, $19$ in number.

From this answer, whenever we take $20$ points in the hexagon, the minimal distance between them is $\le 1$.

From this answer, whenever we take $19$ points in the hexagon, the minimal distance between them is $\le 1$. ( I believe the result, not totally sure about the proof).

Connected results would be great too. Thanks for your interest!

Best Answer

Here are 15 points with minimal distance $1$ and all minimal distances marked.

enter image description here

Now, move the blue points towards the centre a bit (e.g., until they form a smaller equilateral triangle and with blue-blue distances equal to blue-red -- that is, with these distances $=3-\sqrt3=1.2679\ldots$). That allows you to move the green dots inwards as well, thereby making all distances slightly $>1$.

enter image description here

(Finally, drop one of the points in order to reach the desired number of $14$ points.)