12 Sided Polygon in a Square


(Thanks Semiclassical and Andrei for pointing out errors in my question)

I don't really know if this asked already, but my question is – Take a 12-sided regular polygon that fits in a square of 2048cm. What would be the length of a side of the polygon inside it?

As for orientation, 8 of the vertices of the duodecagon must lie on the perimeter of the square

Best Answer

It is well-known that every regular polygon has an inscribed circle (incircle), that is, a circle that touches all of the polygon's sides. Consider the inscribed circle of the 12-sided polygon. Now each of the four sides of the square has a side of the 12-sided polygon that is on the same line as the side of the square, so the inscribed circle must touch those four lines. Three different tangent lines uniquely determine a circle, so this circle must be the same as the inscribed circle of the square.

Now if you have a regular polygon with $ n $ sides of length $ a $ each, and the radius of the inscribed circle is $ ρ $, then $ a = 2ρ \tan(π/n) $. To see this, consider the right triangle whose vertexes are the center of the circle, a vertex of the polygon, and the midpoint of a side adjacent to it. The angle of this triangle at the center is $ π/n$, the leg adjacent to this is $ρ$, and the other leg is $ a/2 $.

Now consider the previous identity for both the square and the 12-sided polygon. Let's call the side of the square $ a_4 $ and the side of the 12-sided polygon $ a_{12} $. For the square we simply get $ a_4 = 2ρ $; for the 12-sided polygon we get $ a_{12} = 2ρ\tan(π/12) = a_4\tan(π/12) $.

I won't try to derive the exact value $ \tan(π/12) = 2 - \sqrt3 $ here, because I assume you only need an approximate value here. That's easy to compute or look up from a table: $ \tan(π/12) = 0.2679 $. You gave $ a_4 = 2048\,\mathrm{cm} $, so multiplying those we get $ a_{12} = 548.7\,\mathrm{cm} $.