10th Grade Algebraic Rate of Bacteria Growth Problem

algebra-precalculusword problem

"A certain type of bacteria doubles every 6.5 hours. If there were 60 bacteria to start with, what is the hourly growth rate of the bacteria? How many bacteria will there be after a day and a half? Solve using algebra."

Another person was asking about this on here but I couldn't find the answer. I've come up with the equation $\ t = b2^{x/6.5}$ but I'm not sure if this is right/where to go from here.

Best Answer

Hint: In general the equation is $y=y_0\cdot a^t$, where $y$ is the poputlation of the bacteria after $t$ hours and $y_0=60$ is the initial population. Now you can deduce an equation from the following information:"A certain type of bacteria doubles every $6.5$ hours"

$$120=60\cdot a^{6.5}$$

Solve the equation for $a$ and obtain the function of the population.