data – World Hexmap Based on IPCC AR6: Matching Country Codes with WGI Reference Regions


I would like to reproduce the hex maps used in the IPCC AR6 report.

Is there a publicly available lookup table to match country codes with WGI reference regions?

This isn't available through the IPCC interactive atlas – as far as I can tell.

Best Answer

I've now created a simple hex map of the zones with the zone label as attributes. You'll find the geopackage here:

enter image description here

Geographically its in a nonsense location in EPSG:3857 projection but its a non-geographic map so I'm not bothered by that.

The hexes now have long names from the geoJSON data (except for PAC which does not appear there) and the geopackage includes lines for the regional grouping. There is also a QGIS project with labels. The whole things has been moved to the (0,0) location on the globe.

This was made by:

  • Creating a large hexagonal grid in QGIS using the "Create Grid" process.
  • That produces hexagons with the flat side up, so I had to rotate the features and the ensemble of hexagons until they were pointy-bit up.
  • Enable editing on the hexagon grid, and manually select 45-ish hexagons in the pattern of the IPCC report maps. Cut the non-selected hexagons to leave 45 hexagons in the right pattern.
  • Open the QGIS attribute table, add a "label" field.
  • Select each row in turn so it is highlighted on the map and add the appropriate label to the label field by reference to the IPCC maps.
  • Use the "Move feature" tool to shift GIC and NZ closer to the main land masses.
  • Save as GeoPackage.