WKB structure does not match expected size


I'm running an Alteryx workflow where I am pulling data from one database to another PostgreSQL database containg PostGIS. However, when I run the workflow and write the data to the database, I am getting an error saying:

Output Data (18) DataWrap2ODBC::SendBatch: ERROR: WKB structure does
not match expected size!;¶Error while executing the query Insert into
"table_name"("column_1","column_2","column_3","geom") Values

or in other words, the error is saying that WKB structure does not match expected size. There is a geometry or Spatial Object column in the database that I am trying to send to PostgreSQL..

I thought it might be the Spatial Object Field Size (it's too small) but when I increased it, it didn't do anything. Does anybody know why I am getting this error and how to fix it?

EDIT: This is how the geom table looks like that I am trying to insert into my PostgreSQL PostGIS table:


Best Answer

We are able to use the provided string. The original_string provided is at https://jsfiddle.net/ovr1798k/1/

We are able to process it using the original string wrapped between SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromWKB(E'\\x and )) We made it human readable using ST_AsText to check the result.

A full working demo to insert your data can be

  column_1 text,
  column_2 text,
  column_3 text,
  geom geometry(Polygon,4326)

-- We supposed your srid is 4326 but change it if necessary
-- Change <yourlongwkbstring> with your own wkb string
INSERT INTO table_name(column_1, column_2, column_3, geom)
VALUES ('content1', 'content2', 'content3',
ST_SetSrid(ST_GeomFromEWKB(decode('<yourlongwkbstring>', 'hex')), 4326);

You can see a full working code at https://gist.github.com/ThomasG77/dae8e8a76db4fc720fb18d261da4076f (because too long to fit in the answer here). You will need to adapt our solution as we did not use placeholders ?