WFS Filter – Why Spatial Filter (DWITHIN) is Not Working in WFS


I am working using spatial filter Dwithin for WFS. I have worked using a simple filter using to show no of earthquake data for the year 2020 in GeoJSON format from the given WFS:-

However, I could get the value of no of earthquake points at a distance 500m from coordinates 14.964, 37.696 in GeoJSON format.The output is all GeoJSON data being selected which is not true. The link with spatial filter (that I have used for the provided WFS) is as shown:-,%2037.696%3C/%20coordinates%20%3E%3C/Point%3E%3CDistance%20units=%27m%27%3E5000%3C/Distance%3E%3C/Within%3E%3C/Filter%3E

Best Answer

There are multiple problems with your filter:

  1. The space before FILTER prevents the server parsing and using it
  2. You spelled DWithin wrong (Within is a different filter entirely)
  3. You are using the wrong geometry name (it's geom)
  4. Your unit needs to be meters
  5. Your point should not have a comma separating the coordinates.
  6. Probably a bunch of other stuff

So I switched to using CQL,%20POINT(14.964%2037.696),%20500,%20meters)

which works but says there are no earthquakes with in 5 km of your point, but does find 46 if I flip the axis order of your point to give a dwithin(geom, POINT(37.696 14.964), 5, kilometers) and a final URL of:,%20POINT(37.696%2014.964),%205,%20kilometers)

Or if you prefer the OGC representation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>                                                                                  
<ogc:Filter xmlns:xs="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="">
    <ogc:Distance units="kilometers">5.0</ogc:Distance>                                                                 
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