Google Earth Engine Apps – How to Upload Shapefile and Download Raster Layer for Area


My Google Earth Engine app allows you to select a raster layer and then download that layer as a zip containing a tif. Here is the javascript code in the GEE IDE for the downloading part:

function downloadImg() {
  var viewBounds = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(Map.getBounds()); // CHANGE BOUNDARIES TO SHAPEFILE
  var downloadArgs = {
    name: 'sample_image',
    crs: 'EPSG:4326',
    region: viewBounds.toGeoJSONString()

 var img = imgCol.first(); 

 var url =img.getDownloadURL(downloadArgs);
 urlLabel.setUrl(url);{shown: true});

// Add UI elements to the Map.
var downloadButton = ui.Button('Get download link', downloadImg);
var urlLabel = ui.Label('Download', {shown: false});
var buttons = ui.Panel([downloadButton, urlLabel]);

This protoype just auto-selects the first layer in my ImageCollection right now.

I want to add widgets to allow the user to upload a shapefile and only download the raster data within that shapefile. It would also be great to be able to draw a polygon and download that shape.

Best Answer

Apps can't do upload and can only do download through getDownloadUrl or getThumbnail.