Updating field values if condition met, but leave the original values if condition not met in QGIS


I'm sure this is probably quite simple but I'm still learning the syntax for field calc expressions. I have a points layer with the field "Distance" that I want to update using my expression:

            get_feature('Site Boundary', 'id', '1')
        ) = 0,

In simple words: If(distance between current point feature and 'Site Boundary' polygon = 0, then write '0', else write '1'.

If a point is within the polygon 'Site Boundary', the distance function returns '0'. What is great, but my expression then overwrites all other values with '1'. How can I alter the expression to leave the original distance values if the condition is not met?

Best Answer

In the if-condition, change the result_when_false argument from 1 to the name of the field you are changing ("your_fieldname" in the following example): then the value of this field will be copied:

            get_feature('Site Boundary', 'id', '1')
        ) = 0,

By the way: setting zero in single quotes '0' results in an output formatted as a string (text). If you want a number (integer), simply write it without quotes: 0. Or use a case when ... then ... end statment without else-part if you want to get no output in all other cases (see documentation).

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