QGIS Label Placement – Fixing Unwanted Automatic Placement of Labels in QGIS


I have a polygon layer with attributes text_x and text_y which I use for label placement with data defined override.

In this screeshot the red dots indicate text_x, text_y coordinates and as can bee seen, QGIS tries to automatically place labels somewhere inside the polygon in cases where the polygons are not completely inside the map canvas and text_x, text_y is outside the map canvas too (NO27, NO10, NO11, NO12):

enter image description here

Little zooming shows the expected correct placement for these lables:

enter image description here

This behavior is really annoying, therefore my question:

Is there a way to make QGIS placing the labels strictly at the given coordinates (means not rendering labels or only the part of the label inside the map canvas when text_x, text_y is outside the map) and in no case anywhere else?

My placement settings that might affect the behaviour are the following:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I found the responsible setting (as far as I see at this point) more or less accidentally but not in the Placement settings but under Rendering:


Unchecking the option Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels) has the desired effect (see NO11 and NO15, even cut at the canvas border!):

enter image description here