ArcGIS – Unsplit, Dissolve, or Merge Lines with Correct Vertices


I am trying to create stream polylines with ArcGIS 10.8 from several stream segments so that the first vertex of the resulting polyline is in the beginning of the stream polyline and the last vertex is in the end of the stream polyline.

The original dataset consists of small segments that share start and end vertices.
The original dataset consists of small segments that share start and end vertices

All the segments have been digitized in the correct order, so that the end vertex of the upstream segment coincides with the start vertex of the downstream segment. All the segments belonging to a single stream share a common attribute.

I used the "Unsplit lines" tool based on the common field to merge these segments. But the end and start vertices of the resulting line are in random locations in the middle of the feature.

The end vertex of the resulting line is red. It should be in the green circle. The start should be in the blue circle.

The end vertex of the resulting line is red. It should be in the green circle. The start should be in the blue circle

What should I do?

Best Answer

The solution for me was to use the "Dissolve" tool with the Unsplit lines option unchecked, instead of the "Unsplit Lines" tool. That way the vertices aligned correctly.

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