QGIS – Fixing Incorrect Scale Bar in Print Composer

print-composerqgisscale bar

Adding a scale bar to my layout shows an incorrect scale (see image).

enter image description here

I am using EPSG:2097. What do I need to do to make the scale bar show the correct scale?

Best Answer

While working in QGIS' Layout Manager, you want to make sure that the scale bar is referred to a specific map which in turn needs to be in a projected CRS (from the Map drop-down menu):

enter image description here

That is because if CRS of the project is a Geographic one (i.e. Lat/Long), the scale bar is showing degrees, even if the label was forced to show 'm' for meters through the Scalebar units drop-down.

If you want a scale bar with lengths in actual meters/km/feet, change the project's CRS to a projected one (like UTM, for example).

From the menu Project -> Properties -> CRS tab

enter image description here

Lastly, make sure that in Layout Manager, the map referred to by the Scale bar object shows a projected CRS:

enter image description here

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