QGIS – Selecting Multiple Points from an Attribute Table Based on Uncategorized Field Value


I have a point shapefile in QGIS (3.30.2) containing more than 2000 points. I selected about 150 of these points based on a special criteria.
I need to create a separate shapefile with only these 200 points. I usually select the desired rows in attribute table manually and use 'Export > Save selected features as >'. Considering the high number of points (150), is there an easier way to select these rows?

Update: I don't think it is possible to use 'select by expression', because they do not have a value greater or less than a specific amount. They are not categorized in any way.

Each point has a number associated to it and I selected them based on their photo, which had a particular characteristic, and the photo was inside a link, in one of the fields of the attribute table.

So, the only way, in my opinion, is to write the number of all these 150 point in an expression and use 'OR' or 'AND' to select them all. Is that correct? Which expression would use less time?

Best Answer

Best way to use Select by expression to select, based on an arbitrary array of numbers from the attribute field foto, is to use this expression:

"foto" in (84,46,78,97,18)

enter image description here

You can't permanently save a seletion (unlike in graphic software) but as mentioned by @Matt, you can create a new field selected with the expression is_selected() that returns true for all selected features.