QGIS – Selecting and Exporting Points Inside Specific Polygon Using QGIS


I have a problem that is similar to Get Points in a selected polygon.

I have a polygon layer (with +200 features) that represents a road (subdivided by every 100m) and a point layer of a GPS survey driving through the road.

I want to clip all the points of a selected feature from the polygon layer. My problem is that I have +200 features and I need to do this to every feature.

Is there an easier way to do this than manually selecting 200 features individually and exporting the selection?

Best Answer

There is a direct and very easy way to do this. In the Clip tool, press the green cyclic arrows button next to the Overlay layer dropdown menu. That instructs to iterate the operation over the features of the layer.

You'll get seperate layers for each polygon.

enter image description here

For more details check the "Iterative execution of algorithms" article from the QGIS Training Manual.