ArcGIS Pro – Selecting Polygons That Externally Touch Polygons from Another Layer



At 3.2.1, I need to select features from one polygon layer that are:

  1. external to a second polygon layer, and
  2. touch the second layer

Using the Arcgis Pro Select by Location graphic, I am referring to examples I and J:

enter image description here

I have not found an option that has this granularity. I have also tested options using the Invert Spatial Relationship option, as well as sequentially chaining various options, all without success.


How to select polygons from one layer that externally touch the polygons of a second layer?

Best Answer

Try: Select by location:

1.) Boundary touches

enter image description here

2.) With active selection - invert Within:

a.) Invert Spatial Relationsship
b.) Relationsship: Within

enter image description here

Howerver I think invert a Relationsship is the key in two steps.

EDIT 16.Jan. 2024:

  1. Boundrays touches - New selection
  2. Within - Remove from the current selection

enter image description here

enter image description here

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