QGIS – Remove Unknown Shape from Polygon Shapefile


I have a shapefile of the region of districts. When I zoomed in, I found a region under the district that shouldn't be here. I want to remove it and when I go down in toggle editing, delete part it removes the whole district.

Is it possible to remove only two small regions (shown in the figure) from the whole district? When I try to find its identified features they have nothing in it, just overlay shape that I want to remove. Is there any way to get get rid of these 2 shapes? I am doing this analysis in QGIS.

enter image description here

Update 1st:

enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. Start editing
  2. Select the part
  3. Delete part
  4. Draw a polygon on top of the hole
  5. Select and merge

enter image description here

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