Reducing Image Collection by seasons annually in Earth Engine


The goal I am trying to achieve is to output imagery for my roi representing maximum NDVI for each season for each year in my Landsat time series (1982 – 2020). I know how to make greenest pixel composites in earth engine and divide it annually using this method:

function ndviForYear(year) {
  var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 1);
  var collection = final_col
    .filterDate(startDate, startDate.advance(1, 'year'));
  var reduced = collection
      .combine(ee.Reducer.percentile([80]), null, true)
  return reduced
    .set('year', year);

var ndviCollection = ee.ImageCollection(
  ee.List.sequence(1982, 2020).map(ndviForYear)

I want a similar output, but instead of one image for each year, I want maximum (80th percentile) seasonal NDVI — so four images per year (winter, spring, summer, fall). Does anyone know how to easily modify this script to achieve this?

Here is the full code link:
Here is the link to the roi asset:

Best Answer

The following is the update of your code, resulting in 4 images in each year for every year.

// create start index for each season
var season_start = ee.List.sequence(0, 9, 3);

function ndviForYear(year) {
  var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 1);

  var make_datelist = function (n) {
    return startDate.advance(n, "month");

  // have start date of every season
  var fourSeasons =; 

  var computeNDVI = function (d1) {
    var start = ee.Date(d1);
    var end = start.advance(3, "month");
    var date_range = ee.DateRange(start, end);

    var collection = final_col.filterDate(
      startDate.advance(1, "year")

    collection = collection.filterDate(date_range);
    var reduced = collection
      .select("nd", "system:time_start")
        ee.Reducer.count().combine(ee.Reducer.percentile([80]), null, true)
    return reduced.set("year", year);

var ndviCollection = ee
  .ImageCollection(ee.List.sequence(1982, 2020).map(ndviForYear).flatten())
  .select('nd_p80', 'system:time_start_p80');


Full code here

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