QGIS Raster Calculator – How to Keep Original Values Instead of 1s and 0s


I have a crop data raster layer in QGIS with one band with values from 10 to 230.

I have written an expression in the Raster Calculator to keep only a number of values (e.g. when = 145 OR when = to 146, etc..

This works but the resulting layer has 0 values for areas that did not satisfy the expression and 1's for areas that did. As a result, I appear to have lost the original raster values which indicate crop types.

Am I doing this wrong or maybe there's another way to filter that will keep my original values?

Best Answer

If you use QGIS 3.22 or later, you have the new conditional if in raster calculator:

IF ("RASTER@1" >= 145 AND "RASTER@1" <= 146, "RASTER@1", 0)

For older versions, use:

("RASTER@1" >= 145 and "RASTER@1" <= 146) * "N45E006@1"

I would not advice using something like "RASTER@1" = 145 or "RASTER@1" = 146: probably pixel values will not match exactly integers (145.00, 146.00), but be rather like 145.7 and using this expression, it will not find anything.

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