QGIS – Resolving Iso-Area Interpolation Error in QNEAT3 Plugin

coordinate systemqgisqgis-plugins

I am new to QGIS and I want to create Iso-areas using the "Iso-Area as Interpolation (from Layer)" tool from the QNEAT3 Plugin to visualize areas dependent on the distance to a layer. I used various projected coordinate systems such as EPSG:3857 or EPSG:32700, however, I still always receive the following error code:

 The TIN-Interpolation algorithm in QGIS is designed to work with projected coordinate systems. Please use a projected coordinate system (eg. UTM zones) instead of geographic coordinate systems (eg. WGS84)!

Also already found this post: Changing shapefiles from geographic (WGS84) to projected (EPSG:2263) coordinate system using QGIS addressing the same problem, however I still don't get it solved.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I just tested it with OSM roadlayer projected into EPSG:3857 and a pointlayer also in 3857 with QGIS 3.22.1 and encountered no error - just as information.

Please retry it with a new profile: settings->user profiles->new profile and if you want, you can download my testdata (https://files.wheregroup.com/index.php/s/omfMWo5YzbNQNEW)

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