QGIS – How to Fix Polygon Split by Lines Not Working


I have a polygon in QGIS consisting of a dissolved set of shapes. My objective is to split this shape using the lines from a set of Voronoi polygons.

enter image description here

To do this I calculated the Voronoi polygons, and used the polygon to line tool to extract the outlines. Next my plan was to use the integrated "Split With Lines" tool to split this polygon along the lines as shown in the image.

When I try this though, the algorithm seems to get stuck and just shows processing without ever arriving at a result. I cancelled the previous attempt after waiting for almost 30mins. Is there a reason this process takes longer than I'm expecting? Is there another way to do this I could try?

Best Answer

For me the verified answer didn't work. I found a different solution if it's no problem if your polygons don't exactly touch:

  • Buffer your lines with an insignificant amount (I chose 0.01 meters).
  • Use difference between your input layer and the buffered layer.
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