QGIS Plugin – Shortest Path with Multiple Stops


I have been asked to find the shortest route from a particular start point to multiple properties along our shires road network. In QGIS I have tested the different network analysis tools and other plugins but I cannot find one that allows you to include multiple stops along a road network. I can only include a start and end point.

Is there such a plugin that allows for this?

Best Answer

I would recommend using the Travelling salesman algorithm for this one.

This has been implemented using the Grass Plugin, which can be found under v.net.salesman.

There is further reading here https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/v.net.salesman.html

and also some other discussion Creating input node file for V.net.salesman in GRASS?

Your input vector line will be your roads and your property points being nodes. It also offers some nice options in case the property points are not 'on' the network.

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