QGIS Symbology – Troubleshooting Line Symbology Issues


I have a problem with line symbology, as you can see on the picture:
enter image description here

In the "sytle creator" window, you can see that my semi-ring are turned inside my polygon. But on the map, they are outside.

Is there a problem? Or am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

The symbols angle follows the line direction. If the polygons were digitized in a clockwise direction, the 1/2 circle symbols would be inside. If digitized counter-clockwise, they are outside.

enter image description here

To fix this, you must fix the digitization direction. You can either do this on the polygons themselves, or just when styling them.

Before rendering the polygon boundaries, use a geometry generator to properly set the line directions, using the expression force_rhr($geometry)

enter image description here

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