QGIS – How to Display Callouts Only for Labels Offset More Than a Specified Distance


I'd like to achieve the following:

  1. Offset all labels for a point layer by a specified amount in general settings (I already know how to do this).

  2. Only show callouts for the labels that I move manually a distance greater than that amount.

At present, when I offset all labels and switch on callouts, every label shows a callout. This is redundant in most cases as the offset is quite small. But there a few labels that I need to move further, due to them obscuring points on another layer, and I only want callouts to show up for these.

I'm relatively new to Qgis and despite searching this site and more widely, I haven't found a way to achieve this.

Best Answer

You can set the minimum length of the callout. Callouts shorter than this length will not be drawn.

enter image description here

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