QGIS – Filtering a ‘Value Relation’ to Show Only Intersecting Features


I am trying to model the 'splicing' of cables (Table 1) together at a splice point (Table 2).

  • Table 1 – "Cables" (linestring)
  • Table 2 – "Nodes" (point)
  • Table 3 – "splices" (geomless table with int fields for ID of "Nodes", and "Cables" a&b)

I have created the third table ("splices") to do this by using a value relation to both Nodes & Cables ('a' & 'b' for the two ends of the cable).

When creating a new record in "splices", once "Node" is selected I would like to only return nearby "Cables".

enter image description here

To filter the Cables I have used:

intersects($geometry, buffer(geometry(get_feature_by_id('[qgis node layer]','7067')), 0.000005))

This works, but as you can see, I am referring to Node id (7067) statically. How can I instead use the Node id of the selected Node?

I wondered if I need to use current_parent_value(field_name) to find the Node id, but can't seem to make that work.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use current_value('field_name') to access the unsaved value of field_name in the current form. In this case, it's the node id.

Adapt the following expression in your splice layer Value Relation widget under Filter Expression for both Cable A and Cable B fields:


Or, if you want the Cable B field to automatically bring up the Cable B value based on the Cable A value, use the above expression for Cable A, and the following one for Cable B - preferably make it read only if you want to avoid accidentally changing it.

"cable_a_id" = current_value('cable_a')

Demonstration of using the first expression for Cable A and second expression for Cable B.

enter image description here Widget settings in splice layer for Cable A field

enter image description here Widget settings in splice layer for Cable B field

enter image description here

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